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You Go When You Can No Longer Stay

Jackie Kay

‘It is not so much that we are splitting up that is really worrying me, it is the fact that she keeps quoting Martin Amis.’

The Surgery of Last Resort

Daniel Smith

’Early one morning in the fall of 1999, Steven R., a forty-seven-year-old man with fair skin and grey hair, was in the front yard of his home in suburban Nebraska, picking up leaves‘.

White Men’s Boats

Giles Foden

‘Deo Gratias stood on the deck of the Liemba with his prisoners at his feet. I leaned on the rail, studiously casual.’

Put Not Thy Trust In Chariots

Jonathan Tel

'David had nothing against Arabs personally.This despite the fact he was religious (he wore a blue-and-white kippa which had been knitted by his wife, Devorah, as an engagement present.'


Anne Enright

‘As soon as I walked in, I knew he wanted to touch it.’

After Hours

A. M. Homes

‘They have created stage sets, backdrops, candy-coloured scenarios, Kodacolor bright landscapes onto which you can project your fantasies.’


Catherine Chung

‘I don’t know exactly what I wanted from you then, except that I wanted it badly.’

The Gorilla’s Apprentice

Billy Kahora

‘Real life was the thin couch he slept on at home. Real life was his mother screaming that he needed to face Real Life.’

Athena Sees Good Things for You

Patrick Ryan

‘Dear X1, the first document began, On X2, as X3 moves into X4, I want you to turn X5 years into golden wealth.’


Julian Barnes

‘They had dined well at no. 261 Landstrasse, and now passed eagerly into the music room.’


Brad Watson

‘The mother told the boys that she was much unappreciated in this house.’

All That Follows

Jim Crace

‘Leonard Lessing does not dream of Maxie Lemon, Maxim Lermontov, the hostage­-taker.’


V. V. Ganeshananthan

‘Pain informs. Pain draws a map. Doctors resolve to relieve pain, but pain is information, and to lose it is to lose something valuable.’

The Unnamed

Joshua Ferris

‘Coffee and a powdered doughnut sat on his desk, the morning offering.’