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Granta 168: Significant Other

Essays & Memoir | Issue 168

The Pneuma Illusion

Mary Gaitskill

‘The intensity of it seemed in retrospect something inexplicable, like a sudden opening in the sky with an outpouring of visions.’

Mary Gaitskill on her experiences with Pneuma therapy.

Fiction | Issue 168 padlock

The Museum Guard

J.M. Coetzee

‘Do they strike people as a strange couple? He does not know, does not care.’

Fiction by J.M. Coetzee.

Essays & Memoir | Issue 168

A Journey to Ayodhya

Snigdha Poonam

‘Ask anyone in Ayodhya, and they will say the city’s Hindu–Muslim harmony can withstand any test.’

Snigdha Poonam on the construction of a Hindu temple on the ruins of a mosque in Utter Pradesh.

Art & Photography | Issue 168

New Kindness Hatching

Jesse Glazzard & Anthony Vahni Capildeo

‘The invisible artist who invites us to stand beside him is clearly among friends; being kind, being of a kind; witnessing with-ness.’

Jesse Glazzard photographs Camp Trans, with an introduction by Anthony Vahni Capildeo.

Essays & Memoir | Issue 168

Literature Without Literature

Christian Lorentzen

‘Corporate publishing is the channel through which literature happens to flow at this moment in history.’

Christian Lorentzen dissects the literary establishment.

From the Archive

Fiction | Issue 91

The Great Wall

Ismail Kadare

‘What China loses by the sword it retakes by silk.’

A short story by Ismail Kadare, translated by David Bellos.

Essays & Memoir | Issue 41

Dreams for Hire

Gabriel García Márquez

‘The wave had erupted with such force that it obliterated the glass lobby.‘

A short story by Gabriel García Márquez, translated by Nick Caistor.

Fiction | Issue 80

Soft Core

Joyce Carol Oates

‘They were two sisters of youthful middle age with three breasts between them and a history that might be summed up as much left unsaid.’

Fiction by Joyce Carol Oates.

Highlights From Granta Books

Recommended Reading

Essays & Memoir | The Online Edition

Universal Mother

Momtaza Mehri

‘I turn to O’Connor’s music when I get tired of lying to myself. Her songs are allegorical free-falls. Spiritual chiaroscuros, even.’

Momtaza Mehri on Sinéad O’Connor.

In Conversation | Issue 166 padlock

A Good First Marriage is Luck

Sheila Heti & Phyllis Rose

‘Life is so difficult. It may take more than one creature to sustain one life.’

Sheila Heti in conversation with Phyllis Rose.

Poetry | Issue 162 padlock

Ecstatic Joy and Its Variants

Peter Gizzi

‘surely this is about water jetting from a spring, / a languid rafting with no particular destination’

Poetry by Peter Gizzi.

Fiction | Issue 111

Missing Out

Leila Aboulela

‘She had held the day up with pegs; not only her day but his too.’

Fiction by Leila Aboulela.

News, Prizes and Events


When I Sing, Mountains Dance and Chilean Poet Shortlisted for Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize

When I Sing, Mountains Dance by Irene Sola (trans. Mara Faye Lethem) and Chilean Poet by Alejandro Zambra (trans. Megan McDowell) are both shortlisted for the Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize.


Our Share of Night Shortlisted for The Kitschies

Our Share of Night by Mariana Enriquez (trans. Megan McDowell) is shortlisted for The Kitschies Red Tentacle award, awarded to speculative, sci-fi and fantasy novels.


I’m A Fan Wins a British Book Award

I'm A Fan by Sheena Patel wins the Book of the Year: Discover Award at the British Book Awards.