Granta | The Home of New Writing



Julián Fuks

‘They tell me you write about exile, about lives adrift, about trees whose roots are buried thousands of kilometres away, he said in his harsh accent, his hoarseness aggravated by the static on the telephone line.’


Callie Gardner

‘In Iris, they speak a language with a hundred pronouns.’

Jeremy Gavron | Notes on Craft

Jeremy Gavron

‘Is the conventional novel the closest model we have to our condition? Or simply the bedtime story that most comforts us?’

Felix Culpa

Jeremy Gavron

‘This writer does not write among these men who are here because they have lost the plot, lost the thread of their own lives.’

Nine Pints

Rose George

‘My blood is on its way to becoming something that even when given for free can be brokered and sold like ingots or wheat.’

After Half-Time

Shamik Ghosh

Subha Prasad Sanyal’s translation of ‘After Half-Time’ by Shamik Ghosh is the winner of Harvill Secker’s Young Translators’ Prize 2018.


Rebecca Giggs

‘What idiom or instrument captures how the weather is felt by the animals, in their bodies, their nests and niches?’

The Leech Barometer

Rebecca Giggs

‘To be consumed by leeches is to be vital, to be animate, though it is also to be reminded you are something else’s prey, and therefore porous and mortal.’

Webs of Fiction

Emma Glass

‘The complexity of stories is not singularly reliant on an abundance of words.’

I’m Black So You Don’t Have to Be

Colin Grant

'Can the black author really write out of her or his colour? In writing about black characters can they ever escape race?' Colin Grant looks at the evolution of racial politics.

Two Poems

Miriam Bird Greenberg

‘Why wasn’t I better made / to refute assimilation’s maze’


Jessie Greengrass

‘All through winter and another summer we wait, but time passes more quickly now that we have a purpose. I feel it flowing.’


Vasily Grossman

‘On the rampage, he truly did become a devil; it was impossible to restrain him.’ Translated from the Russian by Robert & Elizabeth Chandler.


Arnon Grunberg

‘I wonder whether there’s a real moral difference between killing an animal and killing a human being.’ Translated from the Dutch by Sam Garrett.