Granta | The Home of New Writing


Notes on Craft

Juliet Jacques

Juliet Jacques on writing her trans and non-binary characters into being.

Ill Feelings

Alice Hattrick

‘Unravelling refers to a textile that was once complete’.

In the Aftermath

Eva Freeman

‘Green would work but blue, cobalt blue to be precise, would be better.’

Fiction set in Flatbush by Eva Freeman.


Sara Freeman

‘She has always wanted this: to slip beneath the surface, to dispossess herself.’

An extract from Sara Freeman’s forthcoming novel.


Ruchir Joshi

‘Calcutta is an hourglass and each person is a grain of sand. Each day, we all pour through the opening.’

Photographs and memoir by Ruchir Joshi.

Fire and Ice

Debra Gwartney

‘The rental house is where he would die.’

Debra Gwartney on the last days of Barry Lopez.

Notes on Craft

Oli Hazzard

Poet Oli Hazzard on writing his debut novel Lorem Ipsum, which is made up of one single 50,000-word sentence.

Black Box

Shiori Ito

Shiori Ito has become integral to the #MeToo movement taking hold in Japan.

Fertile Soil

Katerina Gibson

Winner of the Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for the Pacific region.

Two Poems

Aria Hughes-Liebling

‘Asleep / in dirt dry blankets.’


Carol Farrelly

Winner of the Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize from the region of Canada and Europe.

The Woman in the Purple Skirt

Natsuko Imamura

An excerpt from The Woman in the Purple Skirt, which won the 2019 Akutagawa Prize.

Buda Flaite

Paulina Flores

‘And there was our protagonist, ambling along through Reyes Park with unhurried steps, but still never losing that fixa.’

Fiction by Paulina Flores, translated by Megan McDowell.

Sea of Stone

Aura García-Junco

‘Statues fill the entire avenue; they cover the pavement once meant for cars.’

Fiction by Aura García-Junco, translated by Lizzie Davis.