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Cash is King

John Lanchester

Mr Phillips is lying face down on the floor of Barclays Bank.

The Last Place on Earth

Tracy Kidder

‘The living-room windows begin to reflect the lights on the plastic Christmas tree, and the view through those windows is fading, the woods growing thicker, the birches glowing in the dusk.’

The Fortune-Teller

Shiva Naipaul

‘While she may have given up counting those broken vows, she had not given up making them.’

Eva and Diego

Alberto Olmos

‘Spending is about the fear of dying.’

Late in Life

A.L. Kennedy

‘Eating figs is different for girls.’


Justin Mundhenk

‘She felt like she was stepping on someone’s knuckles. With each careful step, she heard the sound of breaking bones.’

Spider Lilies

Hiroko Oyamada

‘The breeze smelled of many things: autumn and earth, the green of the countryside, face powder and old age.’

Three Character Sketches

Mario Vargas Llosa

‘For Fataumata, and others like her, dying tragically is dying naturally.’

The Gourmet

John Lanchester

‘I have vivid memories of my one or two visits to my brother during his incarceration in various gulags.’

Videos of the Dead

Rick Moody

‘We are the museum that turns away no party.’

The Gorilla’s Apprentice

Billy Kahora

‘Real life was the thin couch he slept on at home. Real life was his mother screaming that he needed to face Real Life.’

A Hebrew Sibyl

Cynthia Ozick

‘And so began what I was to become. To all these things – the admonitions and the testimonies, the rites and the annunciations – I had easily acquiesced.’

Which Reminded Her, Later

Jon McGregor

‘It's the desperate ones who come up with the best stories.’

Nadine at Forty

Hilary Mantel

‘Each day we re-enact, on ourselves, what was done to us.’