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After Helena

Andrés Neuman

‘What can damage us more? The blunt honesty of hatred, or the thwarted objective of reconciliation?’

John Saturnall’s Feast

Lawrence Norfolk

‘After a turn they came to a high arched entrance from which cooking smells drifted.’

The Little Plate of Childhood

Todd McEwen

‘I truly hate food, I said to Isidor. I just can’t take it any more. F*** food!’

The Sarong-Man in the Old House, and an Incubus for a Rainy Night

Michael Mendis

‘I say his fingers are dying because he is old. Because he is and alone. On that sloping armchair. But more because there is no turning back for him.’

A Double-Income Family

Deepti Kapoor

When Mrs Mehra leaves Delhi she retires in one of ‘the vast new satellite townships on the eastern fringes of the metropolis’.


Claire Keegan

‘Don’t forget to write.’

Kabir Street

R. K. Narayan

‘Nagaraj had begun to have doubts about his standing in his ancestral home’

Jane Somers’s Diaries

Doris Lessing

‘I had never thought that before, never felt life in that way, as I did then; washing Maudie Fowler, a fierce angry old woman.’


Adam Mars-Jones

‘Terry and I entertained hundreds of couples over the years, and I don't think we were unusual.‘

Evo Morales

Ricardo Lísias

‘Loneliness also makes our victories melancholy.’


Toby Litt

‘I began to think, for no particular reason, about what the exact series of events would be were I to die at that moment – before, even, my coffee went cold.’

The Dogs

Yukiko Motoya

‘I once lived with a whole lot of dogs.’

My Painter

Nicole Krauss

‘My painter caught me in a moment that is somehow rare and yet not uncharacteristic.’

The Adjuster

Tracy Kidder

’On the day my career at Fireplace Mutual began, six of us recruits filed into the smoke-filled office of the Supervisor of Adjusters, Mr Kreisky.’