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Laikas I

Kathryn Kuitenbrouwer

‘Hilary hadn’t wanted to acknowledge A: herself as dog-lady; B: any problems re wolves or whatever.’

In Goats’ Eyes is the Sky Blue?

Natsuo Kirino

‘The people locked up in Administrative Camp 16 weren’t allowed clocks. In fact there wasn’t a single clock to be found, even in communal areas.’

The Last of The Smokers

Jackie Kay

‘Smoking is my first erotic memory.’

A Good Man is Hard to Find

Duncan McLean

‘I thought I heard the woman next door crying’


Eddie Limonov

‘Usually taciturn and self-absorbed, on that day Eddie bombarded the teachers with witticisms and cheeky, caustic remarks, for which the French mistress, shaken, sent him out of the classroom.’

Failing to Fall

A.L. Kennedy

‘This is the one thing I know from the minute I lift the receiver and slip that voice inside my ear: it will happen.‘


Michel Laub

‘I only stopped playing with him when he began biting the fingers of anyone who tried to pet him.’

Japan Lights

Sarah Moss

‘She kneels and bows her head almost to the floor, as if pretending he’s one of her idols.’


Herta Müller

‘This Zeppelin may not float high and silver in the sky, but it does set your mind adrift.’


Claire Messud

‘Those summer evenings were all alike.’


Jeremy Lane

‘Partial, our protagonist, to the palatal; prone, too, to the plosive; and apt, you’ve heard, to alliterate.’

The Hotel Life

Javier Montes

‘The room was outside almost everything, certainly outside the law.’


Joanna Kavenna

‘She was living as herself, in herself, without ever thinking about what that meant.’

The Slight Difference Between Leaving and Running Away

Andrés Neuman

‘Like him, the bathroom mirror had lost brightness over the years.’