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After the Hedland

Evie Wyld

‘I feel the pull of being alone, of answering to no one, the safety of being unknown and far away.’

Tomorrow, upon Awakening

Antônio Xerxenesky

‘He more than anybody else needs to define his symbols for the year to com.’

Home is Here Now

David Xiao

‘I told June that the woman they uncovered was not our daughter.’

Stone Village

Can Xue

‘I knew the stones inside me were the same ones that were outside: they were colluding with each other.’

A story by Can Xue, translated from the Chinese by Karen Gernant and Chen Zeping.

The Landlady

Geling Yan

‘After all, they were landlady and tenant; what right did he have to meddle?’


Mo Yan

‘Once the preposterous reality set in, we were overcome by sadness.’


Che Yeun

‘Close, the way any two girls around here grow close, because there isn’t much else to do, and anyone who makes you forget how little there is to do, anyone who makes your heart race, is someone you suddenly cannot live without.’

Short fiction by Che Yeun.

The Premonition

Banana Yoshimoto

‘A sudden rustling in your chest. A premonition of understanding.’

Fiction by Banana Yoshimoto, translated by Asa Yoneda.


Adrian Van Young

‘I shift my weight right, where the hammer hangs down. Then left, then right, then left again.’

The Flesh Strip

Adrian Van Young

‘No person or doll had anatomy like that. It was, she reasoned, some mistake, a dud in the assembly line, but something about it felt special, auspicious.’

A story by Adrian Van Young.

An Adult Taste

Kang Young-sook

‘The blood that flowed down the drain was a deep dark red, but it appeared clean, even refreshing.’

A new story by Kang Young-sook, translated from the Korean by Janet Hong.

Seven People with the Same Name and their Discrete Moments

Han Yujoo

Erica Chung’s translation of ‘Seven People with the Same Name and their Discrete Moments’ by Han Yujoo is the winner of Harvill Secker’s Young Translators’ Prize 2017.

What It’s Like

Anya Yurchyshyn

‘I’d been telling myself I would get there and get through it. I’d been telling myself I was doing the right thing, that no one could escape doing this thing and that was why the thing was right, not wrong.’


Carlos Yushimito

‘I thought I’d found the answer to many of life’s mysteries, but I had no words to share with the world.’