Granta | The Home of New Writing


B-Road Encounter

Joff Winterhart

A graphic story by Joff Winterhart.

Three Poems

Miyó Vestrini

‘It was fake that your hugs were convulsive / and your furies unpredictable.’ Translated by Cassandra Gillig and Anne Boyer.

Hungerwinter and Liberation

Jan Vegter

Jan Vegter’s remarkable visual and written record of the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, translated from the Dutch by Theo de Feyter.

Best Book of 1999: Ai’s Vice

Jillian Weise

‘I love Ai’s work because it gives me permission and reminds me that poetry invented fiction. I needed that in 1999 and I need it today.’

Kings of the Yukon

Adam Weymouth

An extract from Adam Weymouth’s Kings of the Yukon, winner of the Sunday Times / Peters Fraser + Dunlop Young Writer of the Year Award in association with the University of Warwick

I Wrote a Poem About a Fucking River

Samantha Walton

‘though I’ve sat where torrents recall no slush / I’m drawn by your ceramic explosions’

Day of Awe

Diane Williams

New short fiction from Diane Williams' Collected Stories. ‘I fear I lack deep feelings, have flighty ideas, and am often irritable over trifles.’

The Fucking Lake

Diane Williams

New short fiction from Diane Williams. ‘The major events of my life are done with, except, of course, for my final downfall.’

Common Cyborg

Jillian Weise

‘I’m nervous at night when I take off my leg. I wait until the last moment before sleep to un-tech because I am a woman who lives alone’

On the Trouble of Bound Association

Lisa Wells

‘We cannot know our era as it’s unfolding.’

Wild Failure

Zoe Whittall

‘They’re driving their failing relationship into the desert.’


Leni Zumas

‘Members of the committee, I am bitter, it’s true. But this doesn’t change the facts.’

Five are the fingers, and five are the sins

Rebecca Watson

Rebecca Watson on the life of the man who prototyped fascism, the Italian writer Gabriele D’Annunzio