Granta | The Home of New Writing

Origin Myth

On Being French and Chinese

Tash Aw

‘We were trapped in a sort of double prison: by poverty in Europe, and by China and its expectations of us.’

Marie Darrieussecq | On Europe

Marie Darrieussecq

‘There is a Europe of life and a Europe of death, on the mass graves of which we perpetuate a dream.’ Translated from the French by Linda Coverdale.


Andrew Miller

‘Was this an adventure or was I in trouble? At what point did one begin to shade into the other?’

Michael Hofmann | On Europe

Michael Hofmann

‘For all its flimsiness, the cage takes itself terribly seriously, restricting access, glorying in the name of Fatherland.’

The Poetics of Trauma

Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson

Swedish poet and psychoanalyst Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson on trauma, silence and linguistic analysis of asylum seekers. Translated from the Swedish by Peter Graves.


Colin Herd

‘I wear my fear around me / I fan it out on my pillow’


Nicola Lo Calzo & Daisy Lafarge

‘It’s perhaps a truism that acts of devotion both make and unmake the devotional object.’ Daisy Lafarge introduces the photographs of Nicola Lo Calzo.

Orhan Pamuk | On Europe

Orhan Pamuk

‘In the part of the world where I come from, Europe is not just an ideal and a beautiful dream’ Translated from the Turkish by Ekin Oklap.

Six Kilometres

Adam Weymouth

‘Migration will not stop: if there is a single lesson to be taken home from Lesbos it is that.’

Jacqueline Rose | On Europe

Jacqueline Rose

‘We will get nowhere in understanding the present crisis unless we, as Europeans, are willing to look into the dark heart of ourselves.’

Romesh Gunesekera | On Europe

Romesh Gunesekera

‘Identity, it seemed, was not so self-determined after all.’

My Chequered Europe

Melitta Breznik

‘A Europe of different languages, landscapes and cultures, all of which have retained their characters.’ Translated from the German by Charlotte Collins.

Srećko Horvat | On Europe

Srećko Horvat

‘We are the ones who are responsible for not repeating the mistakes of the past.’

Laurent Gaudé | On Europe

Laurent Gaudé

‘Fervent social awareness and civic passion have deserted today’s Europe.’ Translated from the French by Alison Anderson.


Elif Shafak

‘The first time I heard the word exile – sürgün – in Turkish, I was a child. It struck me how closely it rhymed with another word: hüzün – melancholy.’

On the Island of the Black River

William Atkins

William Atkins visits the remote island of Sakhalin, following in the footsteps of Anton Chekhov.

Windrush Reflections

Anthony (Vahni) Capildeo

‘It is not informational, it is / not a blameshift, it is not / all-lives-matter top down and sideways blank.’


Walter Kempowski

‘I was suckled by Mother Earth, he would reflect on occasion, and he would stretch, feeling new strength in his veins.’

Squish Me Tender

D. Mortimer

‘I wasn’t sure if I was having an orgasm or evolving.’


Esther Rutter

‘Are you a writer who knits, or a knitter who writes?’


Rafael Frumkin

New fiction from Rafael Frumkin, featuring psychiatrists brandishing DSM–5, delusions, transference and the menacing voice of Alex Trebek.

In Conversation

Robert Macfarlane & Adam Scovell

‘Travelling into the Ness for the first time was exactly like Andrei Tarkovsky’s Stalker

Robert Macfarlane in conversation with Adam Scovell.


’Pemi Aguda

‘It is their turn to be silent. Your hand is throbbing in protest. There is blood on your knuckles.’ New fiction from ’Pemi Aguda.

Out of the Ashes

Geovani Martins & Julia Sanches

New fiction by Geovani Martins, with a translation and thoughts on translation from Julia Sanches.

Not the Foggiest Notion

Jung Young Moon

‘It didn’t matter to me what we would be doing or where. It didn’t matter to me in the least.’ Jung Young Moon, translated from the Korean by Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton.

[The Delicate Architecture of the Withdrawal Agreement]

Kevin Breathnach

‘I, the pulse. I, the task. I, the ions of the documents extant. I, I, I as in, irrealidad, ingles, intruido.’

Three Poems

Vi Khi Nao

‘To unfriend the refrain of sorrow / One must break the ribcage of a city’


Karina Sainz Borgo

‘They reached Cúcuta at midday. All of them except the grandmother were hungry.’

Drawings of Monsters

Jesse Ball

‘When I was 4 or 5 I sent the Queen of England drawings of monsters.’

Neoterics and the Field
(out of Callimachus)

John Kinsella

‘This oven this earth as dust this water we watch vanish and ancient’

Connecting Worlds, Inventing Worlds

José Eduardo Agualusa & Daniel Hahn

José Eduardo Agualusa and Daniel Hahn on translating and being translated. ‘As a humble, invisible translator, I let him get the last word.’

Black Car

Will Boast

‘It got into you. How many scrapes had he seen? How many wrecks?’ New fiction from Will Boast.

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones

Edoardo Albert

Edoardo Albert, author of Warrior, writes about five archaeological findings that brought the past to life.

The Cheffe

Marie NDiaye

‘She was proud, but there was no vanity in her pride.’

On Tastelessness

Adam O’Fallon Price

‘Write through your first ending is advice I give, again and again.’

Rebecca Solnit:
An Online Reader

Ivan Kirwan-Taylor

The seven must-read Rebecca Solnit essays.