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Yūshō Takiguchi
Jesse Kirkwood’s translation of ‘Nocturne’ by Yūshō Takiguchi is the winner of the 2020 Harvill Secker Young Translators’ Prize.
Selfish Little Thing
Olivia Rosenthall
‘I began to lie awake at night thinking about all the terrible things I’d ever done, listing them quietly in my head, each selfish little thing, my body numb with guilt.’
Sleeping Beauty
Laura Demers
‘It’s normal not to be offered anything to eat or drink when you are a princess.’
Slobber and Drool
Jess Arndt
‘My face, not the glass, was blurry. I had no idea what I really looked like besides lumpy, fuzzy, profuse.’
It Was a Dog
Amaryllis Gacioppo
‘She liked to eat until her thighs felt gelatinous and slick with sweat, and her stomach ballooned out, sore and firm as though she had drunk cement that had now set.’
Messrs. External & Bodily
Helen Marten
‘Space is marked and people do their best, but somewhere somebody made a false prophecy for the land.’
Pinky Agarwalia: Biography of a Child Saint in Ten Parts
Bhanu Kapil
‘Every person who travelled here is unsteady, I can feel that.’
Ukamaka Olisakwe
‘She began to count; it was easier this way, counting, because she would not have to remember how she felt. She only had to remember how long she had counted.’
Marie-Hélène Lafon
‘He was long and white; his hands especially were long and white, and he sewed; he looked after the linen; he worked as a woman would; he lived in the house; he didn’t speak, he was rarely spoken to.’
Translated from the French by Stephanie Smee.
The Appointment
Katharina Volckmer
‘I know that I can trust you, and that death is silent. It’s never the loud things that kill us, the things that make us vomit and scream and cry. Those things are just looking for attention.’
That Time of Year
Marie NDiaye
‘The fact was that outside of summertime they knew nothing about the place at all.’
Translated from the French by Jordan Stump.