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In Summer Camps

Jayne Anne Phillips

‘The sky burned white to blond to powder to an almighty blue; the sun fell unobstructed.’

American Subsidiary

William Pierce

‘He was typing up another proposal for robots that would replace human workers in an engine factory.’

Visitors Welcome

Thomas Pierce

‘Our reasons for purchasing a reJesus no doubt require little explanation.’

The New World Order

Harold Pinter

‘He has little idea of what we’re about to do to his wife.’


Harold Pinter

‘What I want to know is quite simple. Was she spanked?’

The Panther

Sergio Pitol

‘Haste did not grip the animal. He paced before me languidly, tracing small circles; then, in a single pounce he reached the fireplace.’

The Pine Islands

Marion Poschmann

‘Gilbert Silvester woke up distraught. Mathilda’s black hair lay spread out on the pillow next to him, tentacles of a malevolent pitch-black jellyfish.’

Johnny Kingdom

Chris Power

'Andy doesn't like any of the names for what he does. He rejects 'impersonator', and resists 'tribute act', although he knows it comes closest.' From Chris Power's exceptional collection of short fiction, Mothers

Valdir Peres, Juanito and Poloskei

Antonio Prata

‘The only path to tread, from now on, was downward.’

The Law of White Spaces

Giorgio Pressburger

‘It was beginning to seem as if his brother’s fate depended on him, on his ability, or lack of it, to learn the prayer for the dead.’

The Bridge Over Shuto Expressway No. 1

Alex Preston

‘Hiro Ōe wakes earlier now that he has the apartment to himself.’


Adam O’Fallon Price

‘To be fair, it is near a waterfall; although, to be fair again, everything around here is near a waterfall.’

The Miraculous Cairn

Christopher Priest

‘The island of Seevl lies like a dark shadow over my memories of childhood.’

A New World

V. S. Pritchett

‘What was this new world? It was their love for each other.’