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When You Grow Into Yourself

Ross Raisin

‘A few drivers had slowed to look up at the side of the coach as it circled the roundabout.’


Ross Raisin

‘It is obvious now that we can have no control over our journey, or its end.’

A Play on Mothering

David Rakoff

‘His hands are a jewel box and I lean forward and peer in.’


Ben Ratliff

‘There’s Bo Diddley. Big hips, pointy shoes, glasses. A gap between his teeth, and a bow tie, in 1965.’

A Discourse on the Elephant

Richard Rayner

‘This is not the story of my life, at least not the story of all of it, but it is the story of my father.’


Victoria Redel

‘A month after turning forty-five, every last egg in her body is a Rockette doing the can-can.’

Chasing Cars

Dave Reidy

‘I open the chair and angle it toward the shop. Then I sit and wait.’

Letter of Apology

Maria Reva

‘One can only argue with an intellectual like Konstantyn Illych if one speaks to him on his level.’


Tanya Rey

‘Desire was a slapping, bone-chilling wind the likes of which did not exist this close to the equator.’

Memoirs of an Anti-Semite

Gregor von Rezzori

‘For our kind it was impossible to fall in love with a Jewish girl. It meant being unfaithful to our flag.’

At The Villa Cockroft

Dan Rhodes

‘In Bosnia, it seemed, a deal was a deal and the Bosnian was ready to pay his rent.’

Look at Me, I’m Beautiful!

Ben Rice

‘When I came back from Gwen's I had expected to find him in the throes of his midlife koisis—you know—trimming an anal fin in the bath, or nursing a slime coat at the very least.’

Pobby and Dingan

Ben Rice

“I’m looking for my daughter’s imaginary friends and you’d better bloody well believe it, mate!”

Goal 666

Stacey Richter

‘I began to feel almost ill with a kind of unpleasant pleasure, like being tickled.’