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The Disappearing

Fatima Bhutto

‘I have gone to the forest to lie among the moss and sleep under a canopy of trees. I have gone to the forest to root among the soil and listen to the birds.’


Fatima Bhutto

The tourists are gone. They’ve fled to Islamabad, along with the landlords and the hoteliers and the battalions of police that used to defend them, and certainty has left with them.

Cowboys and Angels

Chelsea Bieker

‘I had me a cowboy once on a hot steam Friday night.’ New fiction from Chelsea Bieker.

The Vulgar Soul

John Biguenet

‘She got skinny and became a clairvoyant. And she wasn't even a stigmatic.’


John Biguenet

‘The catastrophe had not happened to all of us, we began to understand, but to each of us.’

Born Again

Anne Billson

‘I had no time for vices.‘


David Black

‘For a week, the leper had been haunting her. ’

The Mermaid

Julia Blackburn

‘The man was still there poised in indecision and staring at the thing which lay heaped at his feet.’

The Modern Common Wind

Don Bloch

‘Leprosy. It is such an infectious disease it cannot stop with death. Did it stop with the death of Asha Makokha? Tell me, if you think I am wrong.’

Black Car

Will Boast

‘It got into you. How many scrapes had he seen? How many wrecks?’ New fiction from Will Boast.

This is New

Marc Bojanowski

‘None of this would have happened if I’d just taken a deep breath, suppressed my emotions and said to the young woman, “Leave. Now.”‘


Roberto Bolaño

‘I said to myself that maybe he wasn’t about to die.’

The Colonel’s Son

Roberto Bolaño

‘Then Julie extracts her victim’s heart and eats it.’

The Redhead

Roberto Bolaño

‘Only the inventors survive.’