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It Was a Dog

Amaryllis Gacioppo

‘She liked to eat until her thighs felt gelatinous and slick with sweat, and her stomach ballooned out, sore and firm as though she had drunk cement that had now set.’


Daniel Galera

‘I could make you promise much worse things.’ Daniel Galera muses on unknown family histories.


Janice Galloway

‘She shifts, half in shadow. Whatever else, she's certainly a child. No one is with her.’


Janice Galloway

‘To catch an octopus needs stillness.’

Fiction by Janice Galloway.

Relic Light

Eric Gamalinda

‘Unconfirmed stories that have been retold so often they acquire the polish of truth, like the rosary beads people here carry in their pockets and pull out whenever the need for reassurance arises.’

The Undertaker’s Apprentice

Hana Gammon

‘It was small and delicate and its song was simple but sweet – the perfect gift. The perfect offering.’

Fiction by Hana Gammon.


V. V. Ganeshananthan

‘Pain informs. Pain draws a map. Doctors resolve to relieve pain, but pain is information, and to lose it is to lose something valuable.’

Sea of Stone

Aura García-Junco

‘Statues fill the entire avenue; they cover the pavement once meant for cars.’

Fiction by Aura García-Junco, translated by Lizzie Davis.


Raül Garrigasait 

‘They both had their heads almost inside the carcass, which gave off a whiff of life and of death.’

Fiction by Raül Garrigasait, translated by Mara Faye Lethem.

Two Nameless Women

Cristina Rivera Garza

‘She turned to look at me, and, knowing I was being looked at, I smiled at her.’

Two unnamed women in a story by Cristina Rivera Garza.

The Blind

Ewan Gass

‘People, he thought, swinging his legs, were only who they were in relation to other people.’

Fiction by Ewan Gass.

The First Winter of My Married Life

William Gass

‘Our ears were soon as sensitive as a skinless arm, and we spoke in whispers, registered the furtive drip of remote taps.’

The Kite Trick

Bill Gaston

‘He hated it when people said ying-yang.’

Felix Culpa

Jeremy Gavron

‘This writer does not write among these men who are here because they have lost the plot, lost the thread of their own lives.’