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Story of My Life

A.L. Kennedy

‘Story of my life – maybe – going to the dentist.’

The Silkworms

Janet Frame

‘Nothing has changed, Edgar said. What new event is written into their history? None. Where is their future? Nowhere. Are they against or for progress? It was dark when Edgar took the box outside down to the rubbish heap and sprinkled the dead moths upon the ashes of the diseased pawpaw.’ Janet Frame on an unsettling natural process.

The Bridge

Daniel Alarcón

‘There was no question we were underwater.’

Saving the World

Tahmima Anam

‘Today, my brothers, Mohammed and Rubel, are going to foreign.’

The Destiny of Nathalie X

William Boyd

’I once heard a theory about this town, this place where we work and wrangle, where we swindle and swive‘.

Call If You Need Me

Raymond Carver

‘I think I even used the phrase second honeymoon to the realtor, God forgive me, while Susan smoked a cigarette and read tourist brochures out in the car’.

Mr Bones

Paul Auster

‘Mr Bones knew that Willy wasn't long for this world’.

The Separated

Tim Lott

‘It is a short January day, unseasonably warm. The afternoon is getting dark and it isn't yet four o'clock’.


Ruth Gershon

Can you still find this day, Habibi, among your possessions?’.

This is Centerville

James Buchan

‘In the imagination of strangers there is a small town in America which represents not just itself but the whole country‘.

At The Villa Moro

Paul Theroux

‘This is my only story. Now that I am sixty I can tell it’.


Tim Parks

‘Destiny: there are those who still believe this word has meaning’.

Man Walks Into A Bar

James Kelman

‘I had been living abroad for twelve years and I was gaun hame, maybe forever, maybe a month.‘

An Amateur Spy In Arabia

Norman Lewis

‘In the 1930s I wanted to travel and I wanted to write. In 1935, I published my first book—about a journey to Spain’.