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Carlos Yushimito

‘I thought I’d found the answer to many of life’s mysteries, but I had no words to share with the world.’

The Girls Resembled Each Other in the Unfathomable

Carlos Labbé

‘That’s what I was fated to discover. That we’ll never be allowed to experience a desire that we simply can’t handle.’

In Utah There Are Mountains Too

Federico Falco

‘No one had ever spoken her name in a foreign language.’

Small Mouth, Thin Lips

Antonio Ortuño

‘This circumstance, death, will not detain my evolution.’

Gerardo’s Letters

Elvira Navarro

‘The last thing I feel like doing now is going in search of the gnome.’

The Bonfire and the Chessboard

Matías Néspolo

‘I’m not a snob, it’s just that down here we take chess seriously.’

The Cuervo Brothers

Andrés Felipe Solano

‘I was Mister Average, right on the borderline.’


Samanta Schweblin

‘Sometimes she lied. She didn’t do it maliciously; she did it to pass the time.’

Ways of Going Home

Alejandro Zambra

‘It was hard for me to understand how someone could live alone.’

A Few Words on the Life Cycle of Frogs

Patricio Pron

‘I wasn’t going to abandon the dream of literature, I was going to keep dreaming.’

The Witch

Kseniya Melnik

‘They hide in the hollows of the heart, warming themselves in the downy scarf of the child’s soul, leaking poisons of old hurt.’

Leila in the Wilderness

Nadeem Aslam

‘It was almost involuntary: it felt like falling, or like rising in a dream.’

Ice, Mating

Uzma Aslam Khan

‘You even tell yourself that you have found it.’

Butt and Bhatti

Mohammad Hanif

‘Teddy is one of those people who are only articulate when they talk about cricket.’