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The Coming Flood

Andrés Barba

‘When it happens, she gets the feeling that the men, for her, are a way to cling to life.’

The Place of Losses

Rodrigo Hasbún

‘I’m getting a divorce, I’m considering a divorce, I think I want a divorce.’

Conditions for the Revolution

Pola Oloixarac

‘Everything is there and not there at the same time.’

The Hotel Life

Javier Montes

‘The room was outside almost everything, certainly outside the law.’


Pablo Gutiérrez

‘There’s no finding a telephone booth with anything more than an amputated cable hanging like a terrible extremity.’

After Helena

Andrés Neuman

‘What can damage us more? The blunt honesty of hatred, or the thwarted objective of reconciliation?’

Eva and Diego

Alberto Olmos

‘Spending is about the fear of dying.’

The Survivor

Sònia Hernández

‘I should have died six years ago.’

Scenes From A Comfortable Life

Andrés Ressia Colino

‘That nothing that’s consumed is real; what’s real is expensive, and gets consumed slowly.’


Carlos Yushimito

‘I thought I’d found the answer to many of life’s mysteries, but I had no words to share with the world.’

The Girls Resembled Each Other in the Unfathomable

Carlos Labbé

‘That’s what I was fated to discover. That we’ll never be allowed to experience a desire that we simply can’t handle.’

In Utah There Are Mountains Too

Federico Falco

‘No one had ever spoken her name in a foreign language.’

Small Mouth, Thin Lips

Antonio Ortuño

‘This circumstance, death, will not detain my evolution.’

Gerardo’s Letters

Elvira Navarro

‘The last thing I feel like doing now is going in search of the gnome.’