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Here Is What You Do
Chris Dennis
‘It’s like there’s a piece of candy hidden deep inside you and everyone is trying to find the easiest way to get it out.’
After That, We Are Ignorant
Bilal Tanweer
‘He used to see things in his dreams and made them his policies. Yup, Americans loved his dreams because he was screwing the Soviets and Comrades in them.’
Stars and Stripes
Santiago Roncagliolo
‘He chewed on the syllables until they sounded the way they did in movies.’
The Coming Flood
Andrés Barba
‘When it happens, she gets the feeling that the men, for her, are a way to cling to life.’
The Place of Losses
Rodrigo Hasbún
‘I’m getting a divorce, I’m considering a divorce, I think I want a divorce.’
Pablo Gutiérrez
‘There’s no finding a telephone booth with anything more than an amputated cable hanging like a terrible extremity.’