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Jorge Consiglio

‘A knock-off Conrad. He’d drive us to school in his car.’

The Marriage Finger

Kathryn Scanlan

‘On the marriage finger was a gold ring topped with a big prong-set stone.’ New fiction by Kathryn Scanlan.

The Last Rite of the Body

Sophie Mackintosh

‘My ex-boyfriend dies, and we all gather to put our hands into his body.’ New fiction from Sophie Mackintosh.

Natural History

Eva Warrick

‘Vita thought she saw a handgun in her father’s underwear drawer.’

The Spread

Ben Lerner

‘He began to feel less like he was delivering a speech and more like a speech was delivering him.’

Read an extract from Ben Lerner’s latest novel, The Topeka School.


Magogodi oaMphela Makhene

‘To pick the right heart, the old man said, you had to look for depth in the ruby, to prize a raw intensity of colour and a bright gold fat blanketing the angry muscle.’

The Line

Amor Towles

‘It didn’t take long for the citizens of Moscow to realize that if you had no choice but to stand in line, then Pushkin was the man to stand next to.’

Longshore Drift

Julia Armfield

‘She has never been very keen on the thought of herself as other people see her.’

Charlie Parker Plays Bossa Nova

Haruki Murakami

‘That was the setup for the review I wrote about this imaginary record.’ Translated from the Japanese by Philip Gabriel.

Field Notes on a Marriage

Te-Ping Chen

‘I tell myself it doesn’t do to fixate too much on the dead: apart from everything else, they can’t answer you.’


Sara Majka

‘It’ll always come to this, I said, laying my head on your shoulder.’

Good Progress

Jem Calder

‘I released the picture of my mother’s breast, which resized itself to auto-fit my smartphone’s display.’

Visitors Welcome

Thomas Pierce

‘Our reasons for purchasing a reJesus no doubt require little explanation.’


David Means

‘True love is, when seen from afar, a big fat cliché.’