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Ladies! Be Your Own Grave

Emily Skillings

‘the slightly annoying and toxic / first green of spring’

A poem by Emily Skillings.

Lecture on Loneliness

Claire Schwartz

‘Only history makes her lonely, only after makes her first.’

A poem by Claire Schwartz.

Letter by Letter

Claire Schwartz

‘The Archivist carries his mind / into each house.’

Mars is a Stupid Planet

Matthew Rohrer

‘Even astronauts describe / our air as thick enough to slice / and spread on toast for breakfast.’

Model Reconstruction of Ancient Rome

Sandra Simonds

‘Here I am. Sephora, symbol of stolen work.’

Nature Study: Spots

Kay Ryan

‘Reminding us / again that live things / can be flat.’


Natalie Shapero

‘you gotta see this truck that ignored the height sign / on the underpass and now it’s lodged like an overlarge pill’

A poem by Nathalie Shapero.

Observations on the Ground

Mary Ruefle

‘Those flowers belong to the dead.’

Origin Myth

Mary Ruefle

‘Life continually circled in cold inaccessible serenity around unhappy Earth’

Pax Americana

Rowan Ricardo Phillips

‘It looks like life, or its oasis.’

(To A)

Harold Pinter

‘I shall miss you so much when I am dead’

Poem Written from Inside a Leather Pig Mask

Sam Sax

‘child who dreams of growing into / a swan only to wake in terror at a mouth / filled with feathers.’

Salad Days

Barbara Ras

‘nothing in those early evenings free / of care could have prepared you’


Vikram Seth

‘Why do you cry?’