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Relic Light

Eric Gamalinda

‘Unconfirmed stories that have been retold so often they acquire the polish of truth, like the rosary beads people here carry in their pockets and pull out whenever the need for reassurance arises.’

Beethoven Was One Sixteenth Black

Nadine Gordimer

‘Once there were blacks wanting to be white. Now there are whites wanting to be black.’

Sharps and Flats

Alan Hollinghurst

‘The first boy I was in love with was called Mark Lyle.‘

After Hours

A. M. Homes

‘They have created stage sets, backdrops, candy-coloured scenarios, Kodacolor bright landscapes onto which you can project your fantasies.’

Passover in New Orleans

Dara Horn

‘The moon was bright and round, as it always is on Passover, like a coin resting on the moist black velvet of the spring night sky.’

Something Called Crab Deluxe

David Haynes

‘So on Saturday morning I arose like Venus from the sea.’

A Tale of Two Martyrs

Tahar Ben Jelloun

‘You spend your life swallowing insults.’

Sea Bean

Tim Fitts

‘Fred was the type whose worldview gazed through a shadow of things that could go wrong, like most of the South Philly lifers.’

This Side of the Oder

Judith Hermann

‘Time retreated, his dread crouched in the farthest recess of his mind.’

The Ramada Inn at Shiloh

Allan Gurganus

‘I think Lincoln's face predicted the twentieth century.’

The Gourmet

Kazuo Ishiguro

‘And I am informed it is a very reliable ghost, as ghosts go.‘


Daniel Galera

‘I could make you promise much worse things.’ Daniel Galera muses on unknown family histories.

The Witch’s Dog

Helon Habila

‘The old witch, Nana Mudo, lived alone with her dog on the other side of the grove.’

The Development Game

Leonard Frank

‘We are six on the mission to the North-west Frontier: an old Japanese, a Korean, an American, a Bangladeshi, a Dutch girl, me. ... We've got four weeks to come up with a project for, say, thirty million dollars.’