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Raven Leilani

‘I sent messages in nine point font / arcing through the Internet, asking him / do you believe in our heavenly Father?’

Mz N Contemporary

Maureen N. McLane

‘I gave my love and that stone / I gave my love still ring’


Joanna Walsh

‘For us, discomfort is a hard feeling. / Almost as hard as hate. / Almost as hard as fear.’

If You Were a Bluebird

Juliana Spahr

‘So the dolphins talks, talks, over thirty distinguishable sounds.’


Angélica Freitas

‘amelia, the real woman, / ran away with the bearded lady’

Poem Conveyed

Jillian Weise

‘And now that he is body-less, / he speaks through us. / You could say. Although / I myself have not caught / a Pope.’

woman is a construct

Angélica Freitas

‘woman is basically meant / to be a residential complex / all the same / all plastered over / just in different colors’

The Emotional Life of Plants

Rae Armantrout

An exciton consists / of the escaped negative / (electron) / and the positive hole / it left behind.

Two Poems

Jack Underwood

‘We are nearing the conclusion of this anatomy. / We are strung between the point of ending, and / the point of having started.’

A Numbered Graph That Shows How Each Part of the Body Would Fit Into A Chair

Mary Jo Bang

‘It’s a simple truth that one can occupy two / places at one time while sitting in a chair—the same way a / poseable doll can be divided from her dress.’

From The Abstract Humanities

Sandra Simonds

‘let us / build the openwork fabric of our garden / on the fear in the body’

Position Paper

John Ashbery

‘This is my outfit. / Government spooks did the rest. Didn’t you know?’