Granta | The Home of New Writing

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Two Poems

Sandra Simonds

‘Police brutality makes me want to starve / myself to death and loneliness / is a drag’

In the Third Person

Daniel Poppick

‘Over an exit, and deeply dreaming / A guard brutally splayed’

Two Poems

Astrid Alben

‘High up in atmosphere, vertigo intact inside Vodka & Lime’

Civilization Spurns the Leopard

Solmaz Sharif

‘To step out of my door and hope to see something like a life, something passably me.’

Two Poems

Tyehimba Jess

‘Let me tell you how / white hands kilned me / in the moonless middle / of night.’

Reception and Openings

Rae Armantrout

‘Because children suspect that objects conceal their powers and intentions, animators make an alarm clock run, screaming, in circles.’

from White Butterflies of Night

Jaan Kaplinski

‘I don’t remember whether I believed that I could just / abandon one life to begin another’

Force Visibility

Solmaz Sharif

‘Full or empty / was impossible to see.’

Eight pieces in imitation of Thomas A. Clark

Matthew Welton

‘what it is about the earth / that it won’t absorb the stream’

New Tarzon Guided Bomb Hits Bull’s-Eye!

Don Mee Choi

‘Watch this performance carefully, for you are witnessing a new concept of modern warfare.’

Two Poems

Noelle Kocot

‘the problematic / Ocean spreads itself out. We take it in stride, / And we do our best.’


Ange Mlinko

‘the victim of a mythological punishment.’

Mouse Trails

Noelle Kocot

‘What I am equipped to do is different / Than what I have been called for.’