Granta | The Home of New Writing

Explore Poetry

Midnight on Lake Michigan

Diego Báez

‘But really, your disappearance / has never been a question of whether.’

Model Reconstruction of Ancient Rome

Sandra Simonds

‘Here I am. Sephora, symbol of stolen work.’

Mouse Trails

Noelle Kocot

‘What I am equipped to do is different / Than what I have been called for.’

Mz N Contemporary

Maureen N. McLane

‘I gave my love and that stone / I gave my love still ring’

Nature Study: Spots

Kay Ryan

‘Reminding us / again that live things / can be flat.’

Neoterics and the Field
(out of Callimachus)

John Kinsella

‘This oven this earth as dust this water we watch vanish and ancient’

Never did amount to anything

Dorothea Lasky

‘Hi there, dear sister, I’m sad / But here to tell you / That you never did amount to anything’

New Hotel Krakow

Adam Zagajewski

‘Now someone else lives in that apartment, / strange people, the scent of a strange life.’

A poem by Adam Zagajewski.

New Tarzon Guided Bomb Hits Bull’s-Eye!

Don Mee Choi

‘Watch this performance carefully, for you are witnessing a new concept of modern warfare.’

Nobody Represents Me

Zeyar Lynn

‘Do I have the heart to drink a glass of cool Coke?’


Jamie McKendrick

‘When my father saw an advert in the Echo / for a big house at a peppercorn rent / he rang.’

Observations on the Ground

Mary Ruefle

‘Those flowers belong to the dead.’

On Jupiter Place

Nicholas Christopher

‘I didn’t know who she was anymore / maybe I never did or could –’