Nobody Represents Me | Zeyar Lynn | Granta Magazine

Nobody Represents Me

Zeyar Lynn

Translated by Zeyar Lynn

‘Do I have the heart to drink a glass of cool Coke?’

Zeyar Lynn

Zeyar Lynn is a Rangoon-based poet, critic, writer and translator. He has instigated a wider appreciation of postmodern and l=a=n=g=u=a=g=e poetry forms in Burma. His collections include Distinguishing Features and Kilimanjaro.

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Translated by Zeyar Lynn

Zeyar Lynn is a Rangoon-based poet, critic, writer and translator. He has instigated a wider appreciation of postmodern and l=a=n=g=u=a=g=e poetry forms in Burma. His collections include Distinguishing Features and Kilimanjaro.

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