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Dogfight Over Karachi

Khademul Islam

‘I slowly went down the stairs, feeling my being unspooling.’

Footplacers, London Transport, Owls, Wincer-Boise

Russell Hoban

‘All those footsteps have been gathered up into the footplacer, all those goings are gone.’

The House by the Gallows

Intizar Hussain

‘Along with religion, an unthinking nationalism had become the other god of Pakistan.’

Doing the Paperwork: Life in the aftermath of a violent death

David Goldblatt

‘If the pressure of their life didn’t kill her it made the fight too hard.’


Günter Grass

‘In the summer, my wife and I visited the small Danish island of Møn.’

India! The Golden Jubilee: Introduction

Ian Jack

‘I first went to India twenty years ago as a reporter.’

Growing up with the King of Pop

Marlon James

‘The thrill of Thriller was being part of something global and local at once.’

If God Existed, He’d Be a Solid Midfielder

Aleksandar Hemon

‘I came to this fine country from Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, in the winter of 1992, a couple of months before the war started.’

Klever Kaff

Ian Jack

‘She was an extraordinary person, and an ordinary one.’

Ian Jack on the life of Kathleen Ferrier, the English contralto singer.

God and Me

Simon Gray

‘I'd grown up and become too educated to allow God's breath on my skin.’


James Hamilton-Paterson

‘My daydreams were full of explosions.’

Foreign Bodies

Peregrine Hodson

‘We'd reached the end of the journey: a day and a night and then home. Perhaps that was our first mistake. We forgot where we were.’

Beirut Diary

Robert Fisk

‘The nun beside me on the helicopter this morning had a tight, self-righteous face.’


Daniel Gascón

‘It would’ve been a magical moment if my neighbours hadn’t started fucking at that very second.’