Granta | The Home of New Writing


The Ascent of Man

Joseph O’Neill

‘One June dusk in 1999 I found myself walking across a rice field near Fishing Pond, in east Trinidad, in the company of a game warden and a self-described naturalist-at-large sometimes known as the Turtle Man.’

The Collector

Paul Maliszewski

‘Mitchell's writing is a blueprint for a New York which was then disappearing and is now almost lost.’

Her Lousy Shoes

Tracy O’Neill

‘On good days, he could believe that that was exactly what he appeared to be: pedestrian, a pedestrian, a walker, walking, going places, on the ups, possessing two healthy feet at least.’


Haruki Murakami

‘Please, I beg you. If I do not buy lederhosen now, I will never buy lederhosen.’

Can Cambodia recover from its past?

Elena Lesley

These photographs accompany Elena Lesley’s dispatch from Anlong Veng, Cambodia.

Every Move You Make

David Malouf

‘This is what sorrow is that knows no explanation or answer.’

Please Tim Tickle Lana

Colin McAdam

‘I no longer see human beings as I used to.’


Andrés Neuman

‘My name is Marcos. I’ve always wanted to be Cristóbal.’

Brand Leader

Fintan O’Toole

‘It was a clear, uncomplicated space, a brand image, a label that could be stuck on a billion sauce bottles.’

The War Artist

Margaret Luongo

‘On the third day, the little rosebud teacups rattled in their saucers as the war artist poured the coffee.’

Kinder Than Solitude

Yiyun Li

‘Being let down was Celia’s fate; life never failed to bestow upon her pain and disappointment she had to suffer on everyone’s behalf, so that the world could go on being a good place, free from real calamities.’

The Chelsea Affect

Arthur Miller

‘Despite parboiling myself in the shower a few times I began to like the hotel.’

Murderer in the Family (Part Two)

Rian Malan

‘It's not just their skins that are white; their minds are white, too. They are generic whites with western values.’

God and Me

Blake Morrison

‘My hopes weren’t high, even to begin with, so I felt no bitterness when He didn’t reveal Himself’