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Sherry Fine: Conceptualist
Kenneth Bernard
‘When Jimmy Dellapiccolo first met her, she was in a SoHo gallery masturbating.’
Raymond Carver
‘I worked a few hours a night for the hospital. It was a nothing job. I did some work, signed the card for eight hours, went drinking with the nurses.’
Midnight’s Children
Salman Rushdie
‘He resolved never again to kiss earth for any god or man.’
An extract from Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children.
Southern Birds
Desmond Hogan
‘She was like a nun who wanted her body for herself but being generous gave it freely.’
A Scream of Toys
Alan Sillitoe
‘Edie looked a long time at blue sky in a pool of water after rain before dipping her finger down for a taste.’
Alice fell
Emma Tennant
‘Agony belonged to night and would take advantage of the union, increase the whirligig of pain.’
Riddley Walker
Russell Hoban
‘Ther leader he wer a big black and red spottit dog he come forit a littl like he ben going to make a speach or some thing’.
The Portage to San Cristobal of A. H.
George Steiner
‘At moments Hitler’s head brushed against Gideon’s cheek like a clump of wet leaves.’
Jeremy Lane
‘Partial, our protagonist, to the palatal; prone, too, to the plosive; and apt, you’ve heard, to alliterate.’
Lucky Pierre and the Coldwater Flat
Robert Coover
‘Projections run riot, mirrors tip and weave, there’s a blur of images like film jumping out of its sprockets.’