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Three Poems

Anthony Anaxagorou

‘we are born / to a siren and the wail of each other’

From This End of Sadness

Peter Gizzi

‘I did not understand / the code that held / me to the world.’

Two Poems

Heather Christle

‘I am asking in case it happens, / because anything can and even does.’

Quantum Displacement

Nuar Alsadir

‘I don’t want / to be a figure others lean their names into’

Two Poems

Rae Armantrout

‘A glowing purse / that unlatches / with a snap’

Two Poems

Mei-mei Berssenbrugge

‘You divide space you think time occupies, not motion itself.’

Two Poems

James Tate

‘I wanted to go for a walk, but I was afraid / of missing a phone call.’

Four Poems

Mark Waldron

‘Just look at those nasty trees flaunt / their leaves, each one a tra-la-la.’

In Conversation

Liz Berry & Mona Arshi

‘I longed for poems to meet me in my sorrow and help me know how to live in that new world, how to survive it.’

Two Poems

Jennifer L. Knox

‘The Tanners are like mushrooms: born with every molecule / they’ll ever need.’

Two Poems

Jenny George

‘This had happened once before, / when my life first split / into comfort and pain.’

Two Poems

Joe Dunthorne

‘I’ve seen it hang in muslin / like a freshly popped-out eye.’

Four Poems

Michael Earl Craig

‘Running through the ages from this casual rabbit.’