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Marina Kemp

‘She knew it was a trick of the lonely to favour the rude to the simply unmoved; that the loneliest thing in these villages and in this most tucked-away of professions was to elicit no response at all.’

Marina Kemp’s debut novel Nightingale is shortlisted for the 2020 Young Writer of the Year Award.

The Great Homecoming

Anna Kim

Read an excerpt from The Great Homecoming by Anna Kim, a novel of love and loss in the wake of the Korean war.


Catherine Lacey

‘The church has no thoughts. The church is brick and glass. If they ever slept there, they would see that.’


Marie-Hélène Lafon

‘He was long and white; his hands especially were long and white, and he sewed; he looked after the linen; he worked as a woman would; he lived in the house; he didn’t speak, he was rarely spoken to.’

Translated from the French by Stephanie Smee.

How to Count Like a Pro

Amy Leach

‘Clocks are the consummate counters, even better than bankers because they never sleep and especially they never dream.’

A lecture to animals by Amy Leach.

The White Dress

Nathalie Léger

Nathalie Léger, translated from the French by Natasha Lehrer.

The Station

J. Robert Lennon

‘You’re gonna want to go down the other side of the mountain and check out the Facility. Don’t do it.’

A Source

Frances Leviston

‘The next editor of the university newspaper was chosen each year by a panel.’

A new short story by Frances Leviston, from her forthcoming collection The Voice in My Ear.

Lost Children Archive

Valeria Luiselli

An extract from Lost Children Archive by Valeria Luiselli, nominated for the Rathbones Folio Prize.

The Story of Anya

Mazen Maarouf

‘The dreams were packed together like coloured soap bubbles.’

Short fiction by Mazen Maarouf, translated from the Arabic by Jonathan Wright.

The Lost Performance of the High Priestess of the Temple of Horror

Carmen Maria Machado

‘The light pouring from the open door throbbed like a bruised thumb.’

New fiction from Carmen Maria Machado.

Dancing for the Avatar

Kō Machida

‘If I let myself sink down into this I’m never coming back up.’

The Art of Waving

Andrea E. Macleod

‘I was only nine when I took to practicing the art of not waving. I felt an exhilarating power surge inside me and I ran all the way home, punching the air as I went.’

Messrs. External & Bodily

Helen Marten

‘Space is marked and people do their best, but somewhere somebody made a false prophecy for the land.’