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An Education

Ariel Saramandi

‘Once, early on, before he learned such things were never said, my brother approached a white boy in his class with my mother’s maiden name and said they must be cousins. The violence in my family’s home started a year or so later.’

Notes on Craft

Caoilinn Hughes

‘I like to feel contradicted and conflicted by characters.’

The Flowers Look More Beautiful Now Than Ever

Mieko Kawakami

‘It’s hard to imagine a country where a lockdown would function perfectly, but in the case of Japan, which lacks basic individualism, the current situation has bred insidious hatred and division.’

The Covid-19 Pandemic

Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall on animal welfare, the long history of zoonotic diseases and what we must learn from Covid-19.

Commuting Through Coronavirus

Kikuko Tsumura

‘My friend and her colleagues are being told not to get infected. Infections among employees will affect the company’s reputation, and would be an inconvenience to clients.’

Notes on Craft

Naoise Dolan

‘If something is usually done in novels, but I can’t actively justify doing it, then I don’t do it.’

The Kobold

Daisy Hildyard

‘In a plain material sense the condition of being alive is that of living inside this contradiction – being membrane-bound.’

On the Extremest Verge

Mark Doty

Mark Doty on the sly wit and visionary luminosity of Walt Whitman.

Trees, Disease

Philip Marsden

‘The greatest problem with the recent enthusiasm for tree-planting is disease. Large-scale projects mean large-scale movement of tree stock, which in turn has helped spread a number of highly contagious arboreal pathogens.’

Notes on Craft

Alan Rossi

‘The whole universe emerges and lives through this little consciousness that we call our self.’

Qualities of Earth

Rebecca May Johnson

‘Allotment earth is like the cache on a public computer, it holds too much information.’

I Remember

Georges Perec

Entries from Georges Perec’s I Remember, translated from the French by Philip Terry and David Bellos.

Forced Out

Kevin Maxwell

An excerpt from Kevin Maxwell’s exposé of structural racism in the British police force.

Diary of a London Lockdown

Poppy Sebag-Montefiore

‘The coronavirus seemed to demand immediate responses to the questions we’d been struggling with for years.’