The Biggest House on Earth | Choi In-Ho | Granta

The Biggest House on Earth

Choi In-Ho

Translated by Juhea Kim

‘What is happiness? Nothing other than pausing at the bottom of the stairs to admire the portrait of a beautiful queen from some distant, foreign land.’

Choi In-Ho

Choi In-Ho was a South Korean novelist and short-story writer. In 1972 he was awarded the Hyundae Munhak Award, and in 1982 his novel Deep Blue Night won the Yi Sang award.

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Translated by Juhea Kim

Juhea Kim’s writing has been published or is forthcoming in Slice, Catapult, Zyzzyva and Sierra Magazine. She is the founder and editor of Peaceful Dumpling, an online magazine covering sustainability and ecological literature. A graduate of Princeton University, she lives in Portland, Oregon.

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