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Trees, Disease
Philip Marsden
‘The greatest problem with the recent enthusiasm for tree-planting is disease. Large-scale projects mean large-scale movement of tree stock, which in turn has helped spread a number of highly contagious arboreal pathogens.’
Notes on Craft
Alan Rossi
‘The whole universe emerges and lives through this little consciousness that we call our self.’
Thick Legs
Natalia Borges Polesso
‘Was soccer a sign? I don’t think so, nearly all the girls had boyfriends, except for Greice and Kelli, and I didn’t have one because I was a puta, as they used to say, I hooked up with everybody.’
Qualities of Earth
Rebecca May Johnson
‘Allotment earth is like the cache on a public computer, it holds too much information.’
I Remember
Georges Perec
Entries from Georges Perec’s I Remember, translated from the French by Philip Terry and David Bellos.
Forced Out
Kevin Maxwell
An excerpt from Kevin Maxwell’s exposé of structural racism in the British police force.
Diary of a London Lockdown
Poppy Sebag-Montefiore
‘The coronavirus seemed to demand immediate responses to the questions we’d been struggling with for years.’
Thrive: A Lyric Sequence
Jill Bialosky
‘Sometimes we could not see / anything before us. That’s what it / required.’
To All My Past Neighbors
Jessica Francis Kane
‘Connections are being forged, even as we keep our distance. Let’s hold onto them in the after.’
Jessica Francis Kane on neighbourliness in the time of COVID-19.
Forest as Metaphor
John Vink
‘Trees, mostly the older and weaker ones, were toppled by the wind, dragging neighbouring trees down, just like someone contaminated by the virus would contaminate another.’