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Miluska Benavides

‘The day of the explosion, Bautista made his way through the camp as he had the previous days, months and years.’

Fiction by Miluska Benavides, translated by Katherine Silver.

Insomnia of the Statues

David Aliaga

‘Montreal was becoming smudged with snow and night.’

Fiction by David Aliaga, translated by Daniel Hahn.

Our Windowless Home

Martín Felipe Castagnet

‘It was important to touch them, a ritual to wake them up and keep them alive.’

Fiction by Martín Felipe Castagnet, translated by Frances Riddle.

Borromean Rings

Andrea Chapela

‘If I could make just one call, I’d dial the bar in Madrid.’

Fiction by Andrea Chapela, translated by Kelsi Vanada.

The New Me

Andrea Abreu

‘Needy text messages did not mesh with my new personality.’

Fiction by Andrea Abreu, translated by Julia Sanches.

The Coming Bad Days

Sarah Bernstein

‘I began to appreciate being amongst things that were mine only. I cleaned with a puritanical zeal.’

An excerpt from Sarah Bernstein’s debut novel, The Coming Bad Days.

House of Flies

Claudia Durastanti

‘The disappointment only spread later, like an odorless gas seeping through the pipes, and the only complaints heard were from old people wandering around anxiously in the fog.’

Translated from the Italian by Elizabeth Harris.


Sam Byers

‘Across the country, at any given moment lives are unravelling in rooms of crushing uniformity.’


Niki Bañados

An excerpt from the graphic novel, Return, by Niki Bañados.


Eva Baltasar

‘This never made sense to Roxanne, whose whole life was a treat.’

Translated from the Catalan by Julia Sanches.

Night as It Falls

Jakuta Alikavazovic

‘There wasn’t much money. His father had been blunt: the classes were fine, the rest wasn’t.’

Sleeping Beauty

Laura Demers

‘It’s normal not to be offered anything to eat or drink when you are a princess.’

Slobber and Drool

Jess Arndt

‘My face, not the glass, was blurry. I had no idea what I really looked like besides lumpy, fuzzy, profuse.’


Carys Davies

‘I would explain to you then, if I could, the theory that in the case of hairline shape, there are two possible variants or alleles: straight, or widow’s peak.’