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Moving Nowhere Here

Kimberly Campanello

‘I am afraid to say we are all / progressing or regressing / down a more or less screwy road / found on a very old map / until / we are going Nowhere.’

A poem by Kimberly Campanello.

Three Poems

Seán Hewitt

‘I looked away, ashamed, / then raised my hand / to the hawthorn / and plucked its fruit.’

Poetry by Seán Hewitt.

Two Poems

Eleni Sikelianos

‘in the animal mirror my incisors / were not fangs but surely / they could still tear / meat’

Two poems by Eleni Sikelianos.

Two Poems

Fee Griffin

‘I went to Enid’s funeral and there was a mole on the coffin and it seemed / aware of us but unconcerned.’

Two poems by Fee Griffin.

Two Poems

Michael Bazzett

‘It was a commonplace / to enter the woods / with meat, lay it on the ground, then / wait for what might come.’

Poetry by Michael Bazzett.

Four Poems

Katie Farris

‘Ungraceful, the heart boinks: / drugged, suspended, spiderwebbed – ’

Four poems by Katie Farris.

Two Poems

Claudine Toutoungi

‘Most of us these days are dead or on autopilot / As for the wolves – they thrive’

Two poems by Claudine Toutoungi.


Natalie Shapero

‘you gotta see this truck that ignored the height sign / on the underpass and now it’s lodged like an overlarge pill’

A poem by Nathalie Shapero.


K Patrick

‘Like the way George / Michael filled his jeans. Mothers like a man who can / fill his jeans.’

A poem by K Patrick.

Brother Poem

Will Harris

‘Our snapped-off shadows / made a simple shape / one within the other like / a folded napkin’

Poetry by Will Harris.

Two Poems

Lee Kathryn Hodge

‘Tell me now what it is that dies, gasping for another world in my hand.’

Two poems by Lee Kathryn Hodge.

An Excerpt from sky doc

Joe Carrick-Varty

‘Once upon a time when suicide was a thought / folded inside a thought’

Poetry by Joe Carrick-Varty.

Two Poems

Chia-Lun Chang

‘I often see myself thrusting into soft clouds, hallucinating.’

Two poems from Chia-Lun Chang’s debut poetry collection Prescribee.