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Wallace Stevens’s Memory

Armand Garnet Ruffo

‘It was / a line that signaled absolute forgetting / and it made me want to weep into my drink’

A Sharing Economy

Karen Solie

‘The Paying Guest rises in the middle of the night / to turn off the radio where no radio exists’

verbal pathways

Daphne Marlatt

‘it’s rain / forest wet the same but different air’


Gary Barwin

‘the heart is an ocean-sized drum / a rat-sized jellyfish’

The Blue Clerk

Dionne Brand

‘Now you are sounding like me, the clerk says. I am you, the author says.’

Song for Goliath

Kim Fu

‘I see them as a needlepoint sampler, / flowing script that reads: everyone suffers.’

After Ann Lauterbach

Emily Critchley

‘The piano eyes me / from its corner – / colluding with the past’

Assuming the Habits of the Day and Night

Anthony (Vahni) Capildeo

‘my every day is a being in of being / a mixity of worlds’

Two Poems

Anne Michaels

‘I told you how the bison woke / the earth / I knew you were listening’

Two Poems

Dara Wier

‘here we come / with our living // fruit baskets and / soon to wilt white flowers’

Two Poems

Jillian Weise

‘You want to get married? / We could die here // for lack of light’

The Republic of Motherhood

Liz Berry

‘a cardigan / soft as a creature, smelling of birth and milk’ – New poetry from Liz Berry.


Danez Smith

‘the boy claps me between / his hands & i break apart like glitter’