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Explore Poetry

Interview with B. Tape II

Rachel Long

‘The contrast! − my angel face / against the camo.’

It was discovered that gut bacteria were responsible

Kathryn Maris

‘this dream that might have been pleasant for an / 8-year-old could instead emerge as a nightmare for a woman / on the brink of menopause’

It’s Been Evening all day Long

Daniel Khalastchi

‘Just as blank I sink the bank beneath / my grief of never having money.’

A poem by Daniel Khalastchi.


Ruth Ozeki

‘old poems, like polished stones, / tumbled words to break my teeth on.’

Meeting the psychiatrist’s wife

Lorraine Mariner

‘The psychiatrist’s wife / has a dress the colour / of that bottle of claret / you shouldn’t have drunk / last night.’

More Night

Oluwaseun Olayiwola

‘Immeasurable beauty / is immeasurable precisely / until it’s gone –’

A poem by Oluwaseun Olayiwola.

Mouse Trails

Noelle Kocot

‘What I am equipped to do is different / Than what I have been called for.’

Mz N Contemporary

Maureen N. McLane

‘I gave my love and that stone / I gave my love still ring’

Neoterics and the Field
(out of Callimachus)

John Kinsella

‘This oven this earth as dust this water we watch vanish and ancient’

Never did amount to anything

Dorothea Lasky

‘Hi there, dear sister, I’m sad / But here to tell you / That you never did amount to anything’

Nobody Represents Me

Zeyar Lynn

‘Do I have the heart to drink a glass of cool Coke?’


Jamie McKendrick

‘When my father saw an advert in the Echo / for a big house at a peppercorn rent / he rang.’

On Silk

Sally Wen Mao

‘At the silk museum, / the silkworms crumpled themselves in baskets, / lazy and dazed in the spoils of mulberry.’

A poem by Sally Wen Mao.