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John Freeman | Interview

John Freeman & Roy Robins

‘I think you know right away if a piece of writing is good. Does it move me? Does it have intensity? Is it beautiful?’

Jonathan Raban | Interview

Jonathan Raban & Helen Gordon

‘The term ‘man of letters’ now seems hopelessly archaic, but I’d like to think there’s still life left in the notion of the writer who’s just a writer.’

Jonathan Safran Foer | Interview

Jonathan Safran Foer & Ollie Brock

‘This is the sort of book I wanted to read, wanted to have, regretted not having.’

Joshua Cohen | Granta’s Best of Young American Novelists

Joshua Cohen & Luke Neima

‘The fact that you exist means that you have a story that's worth telling’

Juan Pablo Villalobos | Interview

Juan Pablo Villalobos & Rosalind Harvey

‘I’m not interested in ‘transparent’ or ‘objective’ narrators, I’m just looking for gripping fictional voices.’

Julian Jackson | Interview

Julian Jackson

‘I don’t have a short answer to where I am from – but perhaps that lack of ‘place’ influences my writing voice.’

Julie Klam | Interview

Julie Klam & Marian Brown

‘I’m successful? I can’t wait to call my mother!’

Julie Otsuka | Interview

Julie Otsuka & Patrick Ryan

‘Using the ‘we’ voice allowed me to tell a much larger story than I would have been able to tell otherwise.’

Justin Jin | Interview

Justin Jin & Francisco Vilhena

‘This disaster has been going on for decades. I want to protest against this as loudly as I can through photography.’

Justin Torres | Interview

Justin Torres & Jennifer de Leon

‘I wanted to write a book about a family so complicated, so in love, and so flawed, that folks would resist easy categories.’

Kamila Shamsie In Conversation

Kamila Shamsie & Eleanor Chandler

‘There’s a certain adrenaline rush that comes from not knowing.’ Kamila Shamsie on writing the unsaid, the challenges of adapting Antigone and the role of the novel in politics.

Karan Mahajan | Granta’s Best of Young American Novelists

Karan Mahajan

‘The through line in my work that I see is how easily we can turn people into the other’

Karen Russell | Interview

Karen Russell & Patrick Ryan

‘I think it’s impossible to draw a hard and fast line between reality and fantasy.’

Karl Ove Knausgaard | The Proust Questionnaire

Karl Ove Knausgaard

'What is your most unappealing habit? Maybe all the brain-like chewing gums I leave behind everywhere I work.'