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Marching Songs

Keith Ridgway

‘I believe, though I cannot prove, that my illness is due directly to the perverted Catholicism and megalomania of Mr Tony Blair, former Prime Minister, whom I met once.’

First Love

Gwendoline Riley

‘It must be a dreadful cross: this hot desire to join in with people who don’t want you.’


Suzanne Rivecca

‘They were all perpetually cowed by their own brutality, quivering and defeated by the measures they were forced to enact.’

We Walked on Water

Eliza Robertson

‘Land of the misty giants: cedar, alder, Ponderosa pine. Cascade Mountains pushing out green like grass through a garlic press.’

The Maenad

Eliza Robertson

‘She feels the wildness enter her and keeps her eyes shut.’ New fiction from Eliza Robertson.


Colin Robinson

‘My brother and I can’t help but stand out in such a gritty locale.’


Jane Rogers

‘For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly grateful.’


Pooneh Rohi

‘Like all roads, this one too comes to an end.’ A Swedish novel that looks at the realities of the immigrant experience.

How We Got Mother Back

Valério Romão

‘With the passing of time we got used to hearing our brother being our mother.’

Stars and Stripes

Santiago Roncagliolo

‘He chewed on the syllables until they sounded the way they did in movies.’

Santa Claus is in the Living Room

Santiago Roncagliolo

‘I soon understood that if I wanted to get my father back I was going to have to help him get rid of the competition.’

Mr Salary

Sally Rooney

‘My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impossible for me to see him clearly at all.’

Normal People

Sally Rooney

‘After the first time they had sex, Marianne stayed the night in his house.’ New fiction from Sally Rooney.


Paul Dalla Rosa

‘Because I spent a large amount of time convincing people to buy clothing they would never actually wear, it was easy to convince myself the same.’