Granta | The Home of New Writing



Jessi Jezewska Stevens

‘One did not have high hopes for Gettysburg. Nor for Pennsylvania in general. Having grown up in Indiana, Diana felt she’d earned her condescension.’

Fiction by Jessi Jezewska Stevens.

What the Germans Left Behind

Anna Parker

‘My Czech family’s house stands on a geopolitical rift: it occupies a place the political storms sweep through, uprooting everything that is settled.’

An essay by Anna Parker.

Allegro Pastell

Leif Randt

‘It was fantastic to own a phone, it was fantastic to have people you loved in your life.’

Fiction by Leif Randt, translated by Ruth Martin.

The Texture of Angel Matter

Yoko Tawada

‘When human beings fall silent, a music can be heard.’

Fiction by Yoko Tawada, translated by Susan Bernofsky.

From the Planetarium

Ryan Ruby

‘For some it is an endpoint, for others a tear in the very fabric of time.’

Ryan Ruby on the fall of the Berlin wall and the Zeiss-Großplanetarium.

The Killing of a Berlin Power Broker

Peter Richter

‘Why does the centre of Berlin look like an abandoned shopping mall on the edge of Omaha?’

An essay from Peter Richter, translated by Shaun Whiteside.

In the Movie Bunker

Lutz Seiler

‘On 6 April 1981, I walked into the District Conscription Office, thereby obeying the very first command of my time as a soldier.’

Memoir from Lutz Seiler, translated by Martyn Crucefix.


Frederick Seidel

‘Poetry is a disgrace on a warm spring day in March. You look at the sky with unconditional love.’

Poetry by Frederick Seidel.

The Solution is Within

Évelyne Trouillot

‘How are we living? Every morning we wake up and wonder what happened last night.’

Évelyne Trouillot on the crisis in Haiti.

Blood comedy

K Patrick

‘Stopping has become a mutual desire. The things we want to stop. Mostly sounds of other people.’

A poem by K Patrick.

Messages with the Supplicant

Nicolette Polek

‘On Good Friday, the priest in the livestream video stood inside the darkened sanctuary.’

Fiction by Nicolette Polek.

Two poems

Madeleine Stack

‘I won her with my grief first / a mess of steaming entrails, enticing / with its gloss.’

Two poems by Madeleine Stack.

Four Poems

Phoebe Power

‘They queue up to pass, lap / like waves beside her, to receive the darshan / from her one, black eye.’

Poetry by Phoebe Power.

Great North Wood

Jonathan Skinner

‘the woods are vocal / with no single refrain’

Poetry by Jonathan Skinner.