Granta | The Home of New Writing


Blazing Sun

Tatiana Salem Levy

‘It’s never easy to trade one love for another.’

Five Houses

Melanie McFadyean

‘I live here, we say, this is my house, my home. We settle, dwell, adorn. A house feels permanent. But this illusion of security can end in a minute.’

Crow Fair

Thomas McGuane

‘You’re in a different world when your own mother doesn’t recognize you, or thinks you’re the stranger who gave her a hickey.’

They tell me you are Big

Todd McEwen

‘Airports like abattoirs are white.’

The Whale House

Sharon Millar

‘By morning the dreams are gone, flying through the tiny holes in the net in sudden starling movements.’

The Easel

Sharon Olds

‘When I build a fire, I feel purposeful.’

Item Girls

Kuzhali Manickavel

‘I have heard the item girls singing each to each. / I do not think they will sing to me.’

Come, Japanese!

Julie Otsuka

‘On the boat we each had to make choices.’


Phil Klay

‘A few months later I was strapped up, M4 in condition 1, surrounded by 03s, backpack full of cash, twitchiest guy in Iraq.’

Lagos Must Prosper

Alexis Okeowo

21 million people, $91 billion GDP, an ambitious governor whose term is up: Alexis Okeowo on the megacity of Lagos


Mario Vargas Llosa

‘I lost my left ear from a bite. . .Through the thin slit that remains I can hear the sounds of the world.’

The Conflicted Legacy of Meles Zenawi

Maaza Mengiste

‘Meles Zenawi’s legacy is as complicated as the life he chose to live, under a name (Meles) that he took from a fallen comrade during his days as a guerrilla fighter. ’

Stones and Artichokes

Nicole Krauss

‘As we get older, the world grows to fit our fear of death.’

Bad Seeds

Masatsugu Ono

‘Evil, she told herself. That was the name of the flower.’