Granta | The Home of New Writing


Listed for Trial

Tibor Fischer

‘He didn't like attending County Hall.‘

Suite in Dark Matter

Erin Frances Fisher

‘When her eyes adjust to the dark she sees it is full, so full: the lights from long dead stars churn elliptics, spiral with dying vibrations and decaying harmonics.’

After Gandhi

Trevor Fishlock

‘His room is as he left it, furnished with a carpet, a spinning wheel, a low white table, a mattress and cushion.’

Beirut Diary

Robert Fisk

‘The nun beside me on the helicopter this morning had a tight, self-righteous face.’

Sea Bean

Tim Fitts

‘Fred was the type whose worldview gazed through a shadow of things that could go wrong, like most of the South Philly lifers.’

Bachelor Life

M.J. Fitzgerald

‘At nine o’clock the man leaves the flat dressed in an elegant salmon-pink dress’.

Ali Fitzgerald | Notes on Craft

Ali Fitzgerald

Notes on crafting a graphic memoir from Ali Fitzgerald.

How to Get Over Someone You Love

Adam Fitzgerald

‘Would you like to come with me for some / old-fashioned inconclusive combat?’

Our Lives are Only Lent to Us

Penelope Fitzgerald

‘The two cultures are complementary but in the way that death is to life.’

Interior: Monkeyboy

Patrick Flanery

‘When I sleep, I dream of Will standing on our bed, flicking a whip against our faces. He draws blood.’

Best Book of 1962: The Pumpkin Eater

Nicole Flattery

Nicole Flattery on why Penelope Mortimer’s The Pumpkin Eater is the best book of 1962.

Uncle Ed

Keith Fleming

‘Back in 1976 when I was sixteen, my uncle, the novelist Edmund White, rescued me from the messy aftermath of my parents' divorce and brought me to live with him in New York’.

The Oddity of Height

Fergus Fleming

‘The culprit was height.’

Vinyl Road Trip

David Flusfeder

After an unexpected email, David Flusfeder heads to Detroit to discover his father’s history and the world of vinyl manufacturing.