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The Brass Bar

Louis de Bernières

‘In the late seventies I was desperately attempting to avoid having a career by doing what I supposed were 'real' jobs.‘

Born Again

Anne Billson

‘I had no time for vices.‘

Listed for Trial

Tibor Fischer

‘He didn't like attending County Hall.‘

Lessons in Inhaling

Esther Freud

‘Lisa was meeting her father for supper.‘

Sharps and Flats

Alan Hollinghurst

‘The first boy I was in love with was called Mark Lyle.‘

The Gourmet

Kazuo Ishiguro

‘And I am informed it is a very reliable ghost, as ghosts go.‘

Failing to Fall

A.L. Kennedy

‘This is the one thing I know from the minute I lift the receiver and slip that voice inside my ear: it will happen.‘

Reference Points

Philip Kerr

‘It was eating oysters, four hundred of the bivalve sons-of-bitches, that finally killed my father, in a theatre-bar off St Martin's Lane.‘

Letters from Wellfleet

Adam Lively

‘I promised you an account of the town's musical life.‘


Adam Mars-Jones

‘Terry and I entertained hundreds of couples over the years, and I don't think we were unusual.‘


Will Self

‘Some people lose their sense of proportion; I've lost my sense of scale.‘

Wavery’s Last Post

Nicholas Shakespeare

‘At five in the afternoon, the Bahia de Abyla sailed out of Algeciras.‘

Heavy Weather

Helen Simpson

‘The baby was now three months old, and she had not had more than half an hour alone since his birth in February.’

The Poetics of Sex

Jeanette Winterson

‘My lover Picasso is going through her Blue Period. In the past her periods have always been red.’