Granta | The Home of New Writing


The Archive

Sebastià Jovani

‘The aim of this study is to visualise a means of understanding the essential aspects of a literary text.’


Hitomi Kanehara

‘I steadied my trembling legs and yelled, “Welcome to Delira!” ’

On the Refugee Crisis

Gazmend Kapllani

‘Europe, my love. You have such a long history; and oftentimes such a short memory.’

Driving in Greater Noida

Deepti Kapoor

‘Greater Noida is a paranoid, fractured land.’

A Double-Income Family

Deepti Kapoor

When Mrs Mehra leaves Delhi she retires in one of ‘the vast new satellite townships on the eastern fringes of the metropolis’.

The Ghost in the Kimono

Raghu Karnad

Deep in the dense volume of Delhi’s history Raghu Kardad investigates ‘the remarkable, untold story of the Japanese in the Old Fort’.

About Her and the Memories That Belong to Her

Mieko Kawakami

‘If I were to forget, then it would be the same as it never having existed at all.’

Five Things Right Now: Noelle Kocot

Noelle Kocot

‘This is not only poetic, to think of the Creator as a big bird, but also quite mysterious.’

Mouse Trails

Noelle Kocot

‘What I am equipped to do is different / Than what I have been called for.’

Sticky Fingers

Arun Kolatkar

‘Selecting the right kind of a tomato was crucial for the scam to work.’

Patna Roughcuts

Amitava Kumar

Amitava Kumar returns to his hometown of Patna


Amitava Kumar

‘In more ways than one, the rituals of death had reminded me that I was an outsider.’


Hari Kunzru

‘Rich men have been building tall on this hill for centuries.’

Best Book of 2015: After The Dance

Dimitry Elias Léger

Dimitry Elias Léger on why Jan Gaye's After the Dance is the best book of 2015.