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from White Butterflies of Night

Jaan Kaplinski

‘I don’t remember whether I believed that I could just / abandon one life to begin another’

Fyodor Denisovich Konstantinov

Lev Ozerov

‘A piece of boxwood, gripped in a vise, / waits on the workbench for his knife.’ Poetry by Lev Ozerov, translated from the Russian by Boris Dralyuk, and introduced by Robert Chandler.


Kayo Chingonyi

A new poem by Kayo Chingonyi from the forthcoming collection A Blood Condition.


K Patrick

‘Like the way George / Michael filled his jeans. Mothers like a man who can / fill his jeans.’

A poem by K Patrick.


Benoit Jutras

‘Our nation is a spell of nerves and gas. We say yes to monsters, to elegies etched in our palms.’ Translated by Daniel Canty.

Great North Wood

Jonathan Skinner

‘the woods are vocal / with no single refrain’

Poetry by Jonathan Skinner.

Hades Baedeker

Ken Chen

‘You may need to gaze at death indirectly, through a mirror crafted into a shield.’

Poetry by Ken Chen.


Ghassan Zaqtan

‘Nothing’s left to say between us / everything went / into the train that hid its whistle.’

Hang It Up

Anne Carson

‘hang up your blood cell phone mr white slaver’

Heavily Redacted

Luiza Flynn-Goodlett

‘Syllables are excised by / X-Acto, fed into a shredder / for good measure.’

High Table

Craig Raine

‘The inescapable smoke of her gown’