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Hiroko Oyamada

‘As I lay on the mattress, the white toe pads of the gecko floated up before me, against the vastness of the blue-black night. Rather than a presence, it seemed to me more like a trace, a barely discernible odour that flooded in on the air.’


Daniel J. O’Malley

‘When we pulled up at the house, Simon was there waiting, on the porch.’ New fiction by Daniel J. O’Malley

All Silky and Wonderful

Ben Pester

A trip on a commuter train takes a surreal turn in new fiction by Ben Pester.

Visitors Welcome

Thomas Pierce

‘Our reasons for purchasing a reJesus no doubt require little explanation.’

The Pine Islands

Marion Poschmann

‘Gilbert Silvester woke up distraught. Mathilda’s black hair lay spread out on the pillow next to him, tentacles of a malevolent pitch-black jellyfish.’


Adam O’Fallon Price

‘To be fair, it is near a waterfall; although, to be fair again, everything around here is near a waterfall.’

To the Dogs

Jianan Qian

A short story by Jianan Qian on stray dogs, desperation and re-education in rural China during the Cultural Revolution.

The Nature of Man

Alan Rossi

‘Viewed from above, the traffic was reflective as water, cars moving in wavelike shimmers over the surface of the freeway.’

Real Life

Josephine Rowe

New short fiction by Josephine Rowe.

Real Men

Mohamed Mbougar Sarr

Anna Leader’s translation of ‘Real Men’ by Mohamed Mbougar Sarr is the winner of the 2019 Harvill Secker Young Translators’ Prize.

The Marriage Finger

Kathryn Scanlan

‘On the marriage finger was a gold ring topped with a big prong-set stone.’ New fiction by Kathryn Scanlan.

The Governesses

Anne Serre

‘For the governesses, moving in with Monsieur and Madame Austeur was like a homecoming.’

Death Customs

Constantia Soteriou

Constantia Soteriou’s ‘Death Customs’, translated from the Greek by Lina Protopapa, is the winner of the 2019 Commonwealth Short Story Prize.

A Man’s Life

Pajtim Statovci

‘I wished my family would die, my friends too, everybody I knew, because only that way could they never follow me wherever I went.’