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Goal 666

Stacey Richter

‘I began to feel almost ill with a kind of unpleasant pleasure, like being tickled.’

Marching Songs

Keith Ridgway

‘I believe, though I cannot prove, that my illness is due directly to the perverted Catholicism and megalomania of Mr Tony Blair, former Prime Minister, whom I met once.’

First Love

Gwendoline Riley

‘It must be a dreadful cross: this hot desire to join in with people who don’t want you.’

My Phantoms

Gwendoline Riley

‘I’m not sure I even thought of him as a person, really. He was more just this – phenomenon.’


Suzanne Rivecca

‘They were all perpetually cowed by their own brutality, quivering and defeated by the measures they were forced to enact.’

Dead Souls

Sam Riviere

‘The uproar was immediate. Criticism and condemnation rose on all sides.’

Sam Riviere on publishing’s deal souls.

We Walked on Water

Eliza Robertson

‘Land of the misty giants: cedar, alder, Ponderosa pine. Cascade Mountains pushing out green like grass through a garlic press.’

The Maenad

Eliza Robertson

‘She feels the wildness enter her and keeps her eyes shut.’ New fiction from Eliza Robertson.


Colin Robinson

‘My brother and I can’t help but stand out in such a gritty locale.’

Days of Ruin

Aniela Rodríguez

‘From the sea you came, and into the sea you were condemned to disappear.’

Fiction by Aniela Rodríguez, translated by Sophie Hughes.


Jane Rogers

‘For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly grateful.’


Pooneh Rohi

‘Like all roads, this one too comes to an end.’ A Swedish novel that looks at the realities of the immigrant experience.

The Nightwatch

Mary Rokonadravu

Winner of the 2022 Commonwealth Writers Short Story Prize for the Pacific region.

How We Got Mother Back

Valério Romão

‘With the passing of time we got used to hearing our brother being our mother.’