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My Mother’s Death Party

Ben Janse

‘When I was eleven I fell out of a tree. This is why I can see into the future.’

Never Neverland

Rodrigo Fresán

‘The dead are—always—masterpieces of literature.’

Nothing But Ghosts

Judith Hermann

‘Afterwards Ellen liked to say she had once been to America but couldn't remember it very well.‘

Now, Now, Louison

Jean Frémon

Jean Frémon on the artist Louise Bourgeois and her fascination with spiders. Translated from the French by Cole Swensen.


Alan Judd

‘She responded to him with a mixture of haughty refusal and a suggestive acknowledgement, a grudging yielding which was what the play demanded.’


Julián Fuks

‘They tell me you write about exile, about lives adrift, about trees whose roots are buried thousands of kilometres away, he said in his harsh accent, his hoarseness aggravated by the static on the telephone line.’

October, 1948

Kazuo Ishiguro

‘I remember looking around me with approval that first night, and today, for all the changes which have transformed the world around it, Mrs Kawakamu's remains as pleasing as ever.’

Old-Age Rage

Daisy Jacobs

‘He’s not himself’, Mum says in the kitchen. Well, who is he then? Is he 40 per cent of his young self? Ten? Do I still have to love him as much as ever, this 90 per cent stranger?

On a Boat to Tangier

Tahar Ben Jelloun

‘He inspected the chest where the snakes slept. There was the viper, quiet, in a deep sleep.’

Operation Gomorrah

Marione Ingram

‘We hadn't progressed very far when we began to see bodies.’

Original Message

Austin Grossman

‘So tomorrow we might be on the same side. Unless you’re a triple agent, in which case we already were on the same side.’

Our Lives are Only Lent to Us

Penelope Fitzgerald

‘The two cultures are complementary but in the way that death is to life.’


Richard Ford

‘Madeleine Granville was standing at the hotel window of the Queen Elizabeth II, trying to decide which tiny car far below on Mansfield Street was her yellow Saab’.


Kevin Jared Hosein

Kevin Jared Hosein’s ‘Passage’ is the 2018 Commonwealth Short Story Prize winner from the Caribbean.