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Louise Erdrich

‘It is not so complicated, not even as painful, as I feared, and it doesn't last long either. He signs when it is over, his breath hot and hollow in my ear.’

Krapp Hour (Act 2)

Anne Carson

‘this is my theory of her awake all night worrying about little wild animals active in the dark’

The second instalment of Anne Carson’s fictional TV show.


Rachel Cusk

An extract from Kudos, the final novel in Rachel Cusk’s trilogy, following Outline and Transit.

Lady Neptune

Ann Beattie

‘The word money popped up like a bit of the ocean’s detritus riding in on a wave, but her lips formed the words ‘Merry Christmas’.’

Last Man in Tower

Aravind Adiga

‘Perhaps that calm was all he had ever had’

Leading Men

Peter Ho Davies

‘Outside, a technicolour sunset is giving way to the silvery sweep of searchlights, as a hand tugs the blackout curtain across the sky.’

Leila in the Wilderness

Nadeem Aslam

‘It was almost involuntary: it felt like falling, or like rising in a dream.’

Let Me Count The Times

Martin Amis

‘Vernon made love to his wife three and a half times a week, and this was all right.’

Letters from LETTERS

John Barth

‘For autobiographical ‘fiction’ I have only disdain’.

Lettuce Nights

Vanessa Barbara

‘When Ada died, the wash hadn’t dried yet.‘

Life and Art

John Banville

‘He arrived in Paris for the first time huddled on a hay cart.’


Lesley Nneka Arimah

‘When Enebeli Okwara sent his girl out in the world, he did not know what the world did to daughters.’ 2015 Commonwealth Short Story Prize – regional winner for Africa.

Little America

T. Coraghessan Boyle

‘All he wanted was a quarter, fifty cents, a dollar maybe. The guy was a soft touch, absolutely–the softest.’

Longshore Drift

Julia Armfield

‘She has never been very keen on the thought of herself as other people see her.’